
Curriculum Vitae

Dr Ozmen has been graduated from Ankara University, Medical Faculty in 1998 and had his residency on Obstetrics and Gynaecology between 1998-2003. In 2003, he had been started to his speciality on Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at the “Centre of Reproductive Health and Infertility”.

Between 2006-2007, Dr Ozmen continued his work on artificial reproductive techniques (ART) and in-vitro fertilisation at Schleswig Holstein University Lübeck-Germany, IVF unit and department of reproductive endocrinology (TÜBİTAK and Foundation of Turkish-German Gyneacology scholarship on doctorate programme). He had his Associated Professor and Professor degrees in 2010 and 2015 on Obstetrics and Gyneacology at University of Ankara, Faculty of Medicine.

He has mainly focused on ART and Infertility, endoscopic and robotic surgery of reproductive health for more than 18 years. Dr Ozmen has more than 100 scholar manuscripts in SCI and SCI expanded along with numerous lectures, both oral and poster presentations at International/National congress.

His surgical expertise is on infertility and gyneacological surgery involves severe endometriosis and adenomysis, endoscopic surgery of gynaecology from ovarian cysts to hysterectomy and neovaginal reconstruction to mullein agenesis patients. He can both perform surgeries by endoscopy and robotic surgery.

His academic interests are ovarian re-activation, fertility preservation by cryopreservation and vitrification of ovarian cortex tissue, oocyte and embryo at all cell stages from both single and married patients.

Dr Ozmen has also deal with stem cell and regenerative medical treatments to Asherman's syndrome, premature ovarian failure and prepubertal female infertile patients such as Turner syndrome. He has been trustee member of Foundation of Turkish-German Gynaecology, member of UTCD (Reproductive Medicine and surgery of Turkish Association) and TSRM (Turkish society of reproductive medicine).